Legacy Dreamers Courses

Legacy Dreamers Courses

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    Learn how to increase your prophetic accuracy. Join us as we learn the 3 areas of Samuel’s life that created 100% accuracy, The 8 characteristic of accurate prophetic voices to implement today and 4 activation’s to increase your accuracy.
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    “Elisha was given the mandate to slaughter those who Jehu did not. Are we called to do the same? What is the lesson we learn from the Prophet of Slaughter? In Elisha’s Journey, you will discover what you need to slaughter in order to live a Double Portion. “
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    “Each one of us are created with a destiny and purpose for our lives. We are born for something, we have an original design. How can we as parents raise our children from a place of understanding to be who they were created to be?
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    Explore the life of the wise one with Craig Farris. A man whose wisdom and knowledge unlocked a kingdom and its king who once was his captor. His wisdom brought forth reformation within a system designed to kill him. Find out how things designed for your destruction can be reformed for your promotion.
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    Marriage is the foundation of the family and the family was the original design of humanity. How do you establish a healthy and thriving marriage? How do you continue to pursue each other and live a happily ever after forever? Discover keys, tools and enjoy hilarious stories in this course; We’re Married, Now What?
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    To have family we need Fathers natural, spiritual, Father Figures… How do we train our boys and ourselves to be Kingdom Fathers? Join Craig and guests as they explore the character, nature, and practicals of becoming a Kingdom Father.
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    Learn how to increase your prophetic accuracy. Join us as we learn the 3 areas of Samuel’s life that created 100% accuracy, The 8 characteristic of accurate prophetic voices to implement today and 4 activation’s to increase your accuracy.
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    “Elisha was given the mandate to slaughter those who Jehu did not. Are we called to do the same? What is the lesson we learn from the Prophet of Slaughter? In Elisha’s Journey, you will discover what you need to slaughter in order to live a Double Portion. “
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    “Each one of us are created with a destiny and purpose for our lives. We are born for something, we have an original design. How can we as parents raise our children from a place of understanding to be who they were created to be?
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    Explore the life of the wise one with Craig Farris. A man whose wisdom and knowledge unlocked a kingdom and its king who once was his captor. His wisdom brought forth reformation within a system designed to kill him. Find out how things designed for your destruction can be reformed for your promotion.
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    Marriage is the foundation of the family and the family was the original design of humanity. How do you establish a healthy and thriving marriage? How do you continue to pursue each other and live a happily ever after forever? Discover keys, tools and enjoy hilarious stories in this course; We’re Married, Now What?
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    To have family we need Fathers natural, spiritual, Father Figures… How do we train our boys and ourselves to be Kingdom Fathers? Join Craig and guests as they explore the character, nature, and practicals of becoming a Kingdom Father.

Legacy Dreamers Books

Legacy Dreamers Books

  • By: Craig Farris

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to hear the voice of God? Have you ever questioned if your heavenly Father had an opinion on your day-to-day life? Take a journey and discover the Father’s voice in and around you. Explore 30 days of creative activations used by Craig to deepen your hearing and utilize the prophetic in your everyday life.
  • By: Tamara Farris

    “You have to know who you are and where you’re going” To get where you are headed in life you have to know two things; where are you going? What’s the destination for this adventure? And the second question; WHO ARE YOU? This is one of the biggest, most life-changing questions you can ever answer. How do you answer it? There are five key steps to answer the question WHO AM I? These five steps will lead you into the discovery of your Heavenly Identity. What could your life look like if you knew exactly who you were created to be? The Kingdom Identity Crisis is a roadmap to understanding your original design and unlocking your purpose.
  • By: Shannon Farris

    Every woman on this earth was created with a destiny and purpose as Daughters of the King of all Kings. What does it look like and how do you step into it? In this book, Shannon shares personal stories of how she stepped into her role as a Queen of the Kingdom. She shares insight and keys to help you do the same and step into who you were created to be from the moment you arrive on earth. Join Shannon as she guides you through this journey of discovery and walking out fulfillment in your life.
  • By: Craig & Shannon Farris

    This book is about how we have learned to not only survive but become thriving parents. We want to share with you the tools and keys we have discovered to Raise Children of Original Design. We want to equip you to empower your children to become the world changers they were designed to be. From understanding how to communicate more effectively with your children to knowing how to identify your child’s purpose and destiny this book will change the trajectory of your family legacy forever.
  • By: Tamara Farris

    Is procrastination really a harmless choice? Is perfectionism chronic? How can God help with both of these issues? 20% of the population is considered habitual procrastinators and often those procrastinators are also perfectionists. This oxymoron statistic is shocking. The sheer volume of individuals plagued by perfectionism and trapped in the cycle of procrastination is appalling. In I’ll Start Tomorrow discover the keys to breaking the cycle of perpetual procrastination and defeating perfectionism in your life. This book is full of simple and practical tools to help you achieve success free from the chains of perfectionism.
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    Learn how to increase your prophetic accuracy. Join us as we learn the 3 areas of Samuel’s life that created 100% accuracy, The 8 characteristic of accurate prophetic voices to implement today and 4 activation’s to increase your accuracy.
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    “Elisha was given the mandate to slaughter those who Jehu did not. Are we called to do the same? What is the lesson we learn from the Prophet of Slaughter? In Elisha’s Journey, you will discover what you need to slaughter in order to live a Double Portion. “
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    “Each one of us are created with a destiny and purpose for our lives. We are born for something, we have an original design. How can we as parents raise our children from a place of understanding to be who they were created to be?
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    Explore the life of the wise one with Craig Farris. A man whose wisdom and knowledge unlocked a kingdom and its king who once was his captor. His wisdom brought forth reformation within a system designed to kill him. Find out how things designed for your destruction can be reformed for your promotion.
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    Marriage is the foundation of the family and the family was the original design of humanity. How do you establish a healthy and thriving marriage? How do you continue to pursue each other and live a happily ever after forever? Discover keys, tools and enjoy hilarious stories in this course; We’re Married, Now What?
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    To have family we need Fathers natural, spiritual, Father Figures… How do we train our boys and ourselves to be Kingdom Fathers? Join Craig and guests as they explore the character, nature, and practicals of becoming a Kingdom Father.

Legacy Dreamers Freebies

Legacy Dreamers Freebies